
The SCCM Application Manager needs the following system requiremens:

System Requirements

  • Microsoft® Endpoint Configuration Manager
  • To store data, the SCCM Application Manager uses the ISVData, ISVDataSize and ISVString fields from the WMI repository for applications and packages. These fields are available by default after installation of a Microsoft® Endpoint Configuration Manager for Independent Software Vendors (ISV). Therefore, before installing the SCCM Application Manager, it is necessary to check that these fields are not used by a different software vendor.

System Requirements on the client with the SCCM Application Manager installed

  • Microsoft® Windows 7 or higher
  • Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.8
  • The SCCM Application Manager does not need a Configuration Manager Console to be installed
  • A screen resolution in Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) is recommended to work with the SCCM Application Manager

Silent Installation

The Setup of the SCCM Application Manager supports a silent installation. In this case no screen output will be displayed. The setup must be started with the following parameter: Setup.exe -silent

Installing a License

There are three ways how to install a license (*.lic file):

  1. If the license file is in the installation folder, it will be installed automatically.
  2. The license file can be imported using Tools Import License.
  3. The license file can be copied into the installation folder of the SCCM Application Manager manually. Please remember to restart the SCCM Application Manager for the changes to take effect.

The Setup Process

The manual installation is simple. After starting Setup.exe, please follow the instructions on the screen: