This chapter describes the global configuration settings of the SCCM Application Manager.
CMD Command Lines
The different command lines for cmd files.
Collection Limit
Limiting Collection ID
Whenever a collection is created, a collection limit must also be specified. This is the All Systems (SMS00001) collection per default, but this can be changed here.
EXE Command Lines
The different command lines for exe files.
Global Properties
Start Maximized
Specifies, if the SCCM Application Manager should be started maximized.
Application Source Folder
Defines the startup directory (UNC path) for application source files.
Application Source Folder Is Fixed
Defines whether the application source folder is locked. This means that the specified path cannot be changed to higher levels.
Package Source Folder
Defines the startup directory (UNC path) for package source files.
Package Source Folder Is Fixed
Defines whether the package source folder is locked. This means that the specified path cannot be changed to higher levels.
Check Source Folder Permissions
Defines whether permissions are checked when the directory structure is read. In larger environments, this check may be too slow.
Manufacturer Is Editable
Defines if the fild manufacturer is editable. If not, only values of the Manufacturer List can be used.
Manufacturer List
A list of well-known manufacturers. It will be used to normalize manufacturer names and to fix write errors like Microsft/Microsoft.
Language Key Value Pair List
When reading source files, the SCCM Application Manager recognizes the stored language (preferably with MSI files). Using this list, German (Germany) becomes German for example. The list must have the following format:
German (Austria)=German
German (Belgium)=German
German (Germany)=German
German (Liechtenstein)=German
German (Luxembourg)=German
German (Switzerland)=German
Greek (Cyprus)=Greek
Greek (Greece)=Greek
Allow Duplicates BetweenApplications And Packages
Defines whether duplicates should be allowed between applications and packages.
Management Type
Defines whether to work with application, packages, or with application and packages.
PADK Default Template
Defines the template to use when working with the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.
Change DP Group Reminder
A reminder that will be shown if the status of applications or packages was changed. If you leave this field blank no reminder will be shown.
MSI Command Lines
The different command lines for msi files.
PADK Command Lines
The various command lines for files associated with the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.
PS1 Command Lines
The different command lines for ps1 files.
VBS Command Lines
The different command lines for vbs files.